girls in class

Pastoral Queries

Is pastoral care important at Bute House?

At Bute House, each individual child matters, and we take the responsibility of caring for all our children extremely seriously. We firmly believe that a happy child is a productive one and as such we work tirelessly to ensure that there is a nurturing atmosphere in which each child feels secure, happy and positively engaged with the world about them.

Who do we contact if we have a problem?

In the first instance children or parents should contact their child’s Class Teacher but the Head of Pastoral Care will be available if necessary.

Who can my child go to if she needs to talk to an adult?

In school, we take very seriously our pastoral responsibilities in safe-guarding the children in our care. Children are reminded of the key staff members in school to whom they can go if they need someone to talk to. Mr Giles Puckle is our Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Ms Ellen Yap is our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

What are pupils involved in the life of the school?

Our School Council plays an active and integral part in our pastoral care activities. The council comprises one member from each Year 6 class. The School Council meets every half term to discuss issues that affect the pupils and the life of the school. The School Council provides the pupils with a voice and with the opportunity to take responsibility and to contribute to decisions about aspects of school life that directly affect pupils. Recommendations and ideas from the council are discussed directly with the Head.

Are there particular pressures and how are they responded to?

In Year 6, as well as having a form teacher the girls’ are allocated a tutor. Each tutor will have approximately four girls as their tutees. The tutors prepare the girls for their interviews. Throughout the year, Year 6 pupils need support and guidance. They might well seek out their tutor to discuss social issues.