girls sat down

Admissions 4+

The 4+2025 ballot deadline has now passed and due to a very high number of applications received, we will not be accepting any further registrations for this intake.

How does registration work at Bute House for entry into Reception?

Entry into our Reception class is by ballot, which is drawn two years in advance of the year of entry. The ballot for the 22-24 places available is drawn by the Chair of Governors with the Head, Registrar and a representative from the school’s audit firm. All the registered girls’ names are put into a ballot box and then drawn by the Chair as described above.

For enquiries please contact our Registrar on 020 7603 7381 x202 or email

When do I register my daughter for the ballot?

The deadlines for application are according to your child’s date of birth, and are as follows:

Birth date Entry year Registration deadline
1st September 2020 – 31st August 2021 2025 30th September 2023
1st September 2021 – 31st August 2022 2026 30th September 2024
1st September 2022 – 31st August 2023 2027 30th September 2025
1st September 2023 – 31st August 2024 2028 30th September 2026
1st September 2024 – 31st August 2025 2029 30th September 2027
1st September 2025 – 31st August 2026 2030 30th September 2028
1st September 2026 – 31st August 2027 2031 30th September 2029
1st September 2027 – 31st August 2028 2032 30th September 2030
1st September 2028 – 31st August 2029 2033 30th September 2031

Is there a sibling policy for 4+ entry?

There is a sibling policy. The sisters of children already at the school are automatically offered places; therefore it is only for the remaining places that names are taken from the ballot. In addition, a waiting list is drawn at the same time as the main ballot draw. These children are offered places should anybody be unable to take up the place offered in the main draw.

What happens if my daughter is unsuccessful in the ballot?

The girls who are unsuccessful at the ballot stage are registered, if their parents wish, for 7+ entry in the appropriate year.  Parents must reconfirm their interest in taking part in the 7+ assessment by completing a 7+ Assessment Confirmation Form and returning this with their £125 assessment fee by the closing date for 7+ registrations (31st October of the year preceding entry).  These confirmation forms are sent out to parents early in the summer term.

If my daughter gains a place through the 7+ assessment can her younger sibling get a place in Reception?

The younger sisters of any children gaining places at 7+ will only gain automatic places in our Reception class under our sibling policy if the ballot for their year group has not yet been drawn. If the relevant ballot has already been drawn the younger sisters of successful 7+ candidates will be put on the waiting list, but if there is no movement on that list they will have to sit the 7+ assessment in the appropriate year, when no sibling priority is given.