

School fees and fees for additional services such as clubs, outings, extras etc. are calculated by the Governors. We aim to generate a surplus of income over expenditure to make possible the necessary investment in the provision of facilities, staff, resources and property.

Fees for the academic year 2024/25 will be £7,998 per pupil per term, plus any extras.

Bute House Preparatory School is proud of its Bursary Scheme which provides full bursaries for girls who may otherwise be unable to come here.  Please read more about this on our Bursaries page.

The registration fee for 4+, 7+ or an Occasional Place is £100.

The fee for sitting the 7+ assessment is an additional £125.

Parents must reconfirm their interest in taking part in the 7+ assessment by completing a 7+ Assessment Confirmation Form and returning this with their £125 assessment fee by the closing date for 7+ registrations (31st October of the year preceding entry).  These confirmation forms are sent out to parents by email in the summer term.

7+ Applications accompanied by a completed Bursary Application Form are not required to pay either the registration fee (£100) or the assessment fee (£125).