Welcome to Bute House, a dynamic, exciting, rounded and rigorous environment in which girls flourish and thrive and, most importantly, have a great deal of fun. We wrap this up in a pastoral blanket of care and support; these children are being educated to work in a world which, in some ways, we cannot imagine yet.
The best way to find out what a typical day at Bute is from the girls themselves. Take a look at the testimonials from girls across the school to give you a picture of what a typical day in Lower, Middle, and Upper School.
Our seven Learning Powers underpin all we do at Bute and they are taught explicitly as well as being embedded into the curriculum.
Our Learning Powers
At Bute House we believe that intelligence is not fixed and by nurturing the right intellectual habits of mind, our girls can become active learners, with the necessary characteristics to support them when they face challenge.