girls outdoors

Years 3 and 4 (Lower KS2)

The Middle School comprises Years 3 and 4

Following a 7+ assessment, we welcome approximately forty new girls to Bute House in Year 3. The new girls join our existing pupils and are then divided into three equally sized mixed-ability classes. We go to great lengths to ensure that this transition is smooth, and we recognise the importance of sensitive care for all the girls at this time. The girls will have already enjoyed meeting each other at our “Welcome to Bute House” workshop day and at the New Girls’ Tea, and in many cases have started to build friendships through holiday play dates.

Years 3 and 4

In Years 3 and 4, pupils are taught using a wide variety of styles and learning technology. Lessons are well planned, structured and differentiated to ensure that the needs of every child are met. The girls are taught by their Form Teacher for most of their lessons, with specialist teachers for the Art, Music, Drama, Dance, PE, and Spanish.  In Year 4, Science is taught by a specialist Science teacher and takes place in the Science laboratory. Girls may also choose to have instrumental lessons in Year 3 and we offer tuition for a very wide variety of instruments. There are clubs on offer after school and these also take place on Wednesday afternoons for the last hour of the normal school day.